The following checklist can be used to identify children at risk of language or learning problems.
Does your 6-month-old baby fail to respond vocally when speech is directed at him?
Does your toddler fail to understand simple instructions (eg Come to mum)
Does your child have trouble hearing you without looking at your face?
Does your child appear to ignore you?
Does your child speak too loudly?
Has your child had a history of ear infections?
Does his hearing ability fluctuate?
Has he had a history of upper respiratory tract infections or ear infections?
Your child may need a hearing assessment and assessment with a speech pathologist.
Does your child have difficulty understanding instructions?
Does your 2 year old understand at least 80 words and follow instructions such as “ Where are daddy’s shoes?
Does your 3 year old understand instructions with prepositions eg. Put the ball under the table.
Can your 3- 4 year old listen to a story?
Does your 4 year old have trouble recalling instructions (eg Close the door and put your shoes in the cupboard)
Does your child find it harder to listen if there is background noise?
Can your 4 year old join in group activities at preschool?
Does your preschool child have trouble remembering nursery rhymes?
Was the onset of language delayed (i.e. first words after 15 months of age)?
Is your 2 year old able to produce 2 to 3 word sentences eg. Mum eat apple.
Does your 3 year old use sentences such as “ I eating a cake”,
Is your 3 year old beginning to use grammar such as “ Daddy’s shirt.”, “Two hats.
Does your preschool child use gestures rather than words?
Does your 4-year-old use poor grammar or shorter sentences compared to other children his age (eg Hims got him’s car)?
Is your child’s vocabulary more limited than others his age?
Does your 4- 5 year old have trouble retelling a familiar story?
Does your 5 year old have difficulty with linguistic sequences such as counting to 10 or saying the days of the week?
Does you 5 year old use complete sentences with appropriate grammar and tense. Eg “ He went to school and took off his shoes.”
Did your child have difficulty with sucking, swallowing, chewing or dribbling as a baby?
Did he babble less than other babies of his age?
Does your child use gestures more than words?
Does your child have difficulty saying particular sounds? eg He says “tat” for “cat”
Do others have trouble understanding your 3 or 4 year old?
Is your child dysfluent and repeat or hesitate with words?
Does your child have an unusual vocal quality (i.e. hoarse, husky, breathy, nasal)
If you have concerns regarding your child it is important to discuss these concerns with a speech pathologist. Speech pathologists from Speech Pathology Services can assess and treat your child.