Sarah McMillan trained as a Speech Pathologist in Queensland, graduating with first class honours in 2001. Prior to joining Speech Pathology Services in 2014, her clinical experience included hospital, education, community and disability services in QLD, NSW and the UK.

Sarah has experience working with children and young adults with a wide range of communication difficulties. She particularly enjoys supporting children with complex communication needs, having worked as a speech pathologist and transdisciplinary key worker for the Family and Early Childhood Service (Disability Services Queensland), Community Support Team (Ageing, Disability and Home Care, NSW), Plumtree (formerly Pathways Early Childhood Intervention, NSW) and The aeiou Foundation for Children with Autism (Qld).
Sarah is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) with Speech Pathology Australia. Her additional training and qualifications include:
Hanen: Helping You Help Children Communicate
It Takes Two to Talk; More Than Words; TalkAbility
PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System; 9 Critical Communication Skills
Key Word Sign: Basic Workshop
LAMP: Language Acquisition through Motor Planning
The Alert Program: Self-Regulation made Easy
Pediatric Feeding Education Program
Sarah is an active member of AGOSCI (a collaboration of professionals and individuals with complex communication needs) and has experience with a range of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) systems including Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD), Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Key Word Signing and high tech AAC including: Proloquo2Go, LAMP: Words for Life and Speak For Yourself.
Sarah prides herself in making therapy engaging and fun for her clients, through sensory play, utilising technology and incorporating your child’s interests and strengths where possible. Sarah is passionate about helping children become the best possible version of themselves and supporting families on this journey.
McMillan, S.E.D. & Niland, A. (2013) Music and Play Group for Toddlers: Creating a community of communication partners for very young AAC users through the shared enjoyment of music and play. AGOSCI 11th Biennial Conference: Connect2Communicate, Sydney NSW.
Niland, A. & McMillan, S.E.D. (2013) Start with a song: Using singing to support social communication and emotional regulation in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. 25th ECIA NSW State Conference: Stronger together on the road to change, Sydney NSW.
McMillan, S.E.D. & Kyte, N. (2012) Introducing iPads into the preschool setting: The good, the bad and the practicalities. ECIA NSW Early Edition Vol 18, No 1